The Liebster Strikes Again!

If you normally read this blog, you may have noticed that I normally only post on Thursdays….or maybe you haven’t, no problem, I just thought maybe….  Anyway, something happened- I was liebstered twice in one week!  So in order to keep up here and not have two Liebster posts two weeks in a row– I’ll just do two in one week!  Isn’t that considerate of me?  I’m only thinking of my marvelous readers. 🙂

Summary of the ramble above: there will be an extra post this week. So here we go…

I would like to thank Renee, from One Sip at a Time for nominating me for my second Liebster.  I greatly, super-really, hugely appreciate it.  It would be extremely nice of you all to check out her blog(hint, hint….)  Thanks again Renee! 🙂

The rules are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you

2. Answer the 11 questions that they set

3. Nominate others with less than 200 followers

4. Let them know about the nomination and the questions

Here are Renee’s questions for me:

1. Favorite color?

Blue, but I also really like pink.

2. Favorite season?


3. Do you have a hidden talent?

If I do, it’s still hidden. 😉

4. Chocolate or vanilla?

Chocolate all the way!

5. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?

My family has two dogs, 2 pigs(for now), lots of chickens and we just got more chicks this morning!  Our dogs are Buttercup(an English Mastiff), and Thea(a dark chocolate Lab).  The chickens don’t have names for the most part, and the pigs are still pretty young- they don’t have official names yet. 🙂

6. Do you collect anything? If so, what?

Skeins of yarn….Memories….Chocolate….(but that doesn’t hang around for long!)

7. What inspired you to blog/create your blog?

I started blogging as a way to promote my Etsy shop-  To Knit or Knot?

8. What is one thing that’s on your bucket list that you absolutely want to do in your life?

I’m not sure if there is one thing that I absolutely want to do.  Although a goal in my life(or maybe better put- the goal of my life) is to glorify God. That is the absolute goal.

9. Favorite TV/Netflix series/why?

Mork and Mindy- it’s old-ish, but worth looking up. 🙂

10. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go and why?

I would love to go to Scotland because of it’s scenery and history.  Other than that, my second choice would probably be Hawaii or the UK in general. 🙂  Anywhere with beautiful scenery makes me happy though.

11. Favorite pastime?

Knitting for sure!

I nominate these blogs:

A Taiwanese Girl

Semper Fidelis

Conquering My Own Castle

Dainty Little Secrets

And here are my questions for you lovely bloggers!

1.Do you have a favorite day of the week?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

4. How did you decide on the name of your blog?

5. What is your favorite memory?

6.Would you rather listen to a song that you intensely loathe 10 times, or a song that you love all day?

7. Who is your best friend?

8. Roses or Daisies?

9. What are three things that fill in the blank for you- “I love….”?

10. When is your favorite time of year?

11. If you had to live on an island with only one food, what would that food be?

So there is my second Liebster!  I hope you enjoy it, and have a nice weekend!!! 🙂

5 thoughts on “The Liebster Strikes Again!

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination. I really appreciate it. I love that you have so many animals, I don’t think I could be happy without any animals in my life. I think I’m a chocolate collector as well. Or is it consumer?! (:


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