The Beginning of ‘To Knit or Knot’….

My love of crafting started a long, long time ago…in this galaxy. 😉 As a young girl, I tried several forms of needlework, and handwork in general. This included a little bit of embroidery, quite a few things made from a lap-loom(they make great gifts! Or at least, I thought so….), making a quilt with my sisters and my mom for our babysitter when she was getting married, attempting to learn crocheting, and so on. All of these kept my hands busy, but I never really went very far with them….

When I was eight years old, I got a basket for Christmas. And it was not an empty basket! It had probably between eight and ten skeins of yarn in it, a beginners knitting book(specifically for children), and a pair of knitting needles.

Over the next year, I learned(with the guidance of my dear mother) how to finger-knit, roll skeins of yarn into balls of yarn, and knit the garter stitch. Thankfully, the phrase “Practice makes perfect” is true in my case(or at least, mostly true- my knitting still isn’t quite ‘perfect’!)- my first doll blanket is a little bit of an eyesore. But, at the time, you can imagine how proud of it I was. This blanket was something I had made, and it could be used by my dolls!

I love to knit!

I love to knit!

By the next Christmas, I was knitting presents for all my family and friends. I will tell you now, they still were not quality pieces of work…. It’s the thought that counts, right?  The next thing I was taught by my mother was how to purl. I actually had to learn this several times, being completely honest(thankfully, my mom is a patient teacher).

At this point, I was on my own. I had reached the limit of my mother’s knowledge of knitting(she’s more of a quilter). So learning new techniques was a little bit more of a challenge, and involved books, or the Internet. But I continued to learn more, and love it!

Cables and lace came next- both kept me fascinated! I struggled the most to learn how to cable, the instructions I read just didn’t make sense. And I really had an urge to learn cables!!! Finally, I found the explanation that just ‘made sense’, I guess it had to be put a particular way….

A knitting project in process- a hat for my sister....

A knitting project in process- a hat for my sister….

Tatting has become another craft that I have more than a passing interest in, although it’s still not like knitting…. My experience with tatting has been a little more ‘knotty’ and I have only been doing it for a couple of years. Hopefully, I will become a proficient before long.

My goal is to be like the woman described in Proverbs 31, and among her other characteristics, “She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands…” ~Proverbs 31:13. I have been knitting for over 10 years now, and it still is my favorite thing to do. So much so that I decided to open a shop on Etsy-

And that’s all folks! You now know how I began knitting, and why I haven’t stopped. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!