
I have gotten my very first ‘award’, thanks to the lovely Hann.  It was so flattering to be included!  Thank you for that. 🙂

The rules are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you

2. Answer the 11 questions that they set

3. Nominate others with less than 200 followers

4. Let them know about the nomination and the questions

Here I go attempting to answer Hann’s questions to the best of my ability….

1. What is your favorite type of fruit or vegetables?

I don’t have a favorite vegetable, so I’ll stick with fruit.  My favorite(s) are cantaloupe, berries of any kind, and peaches….

2. Do you play any sports?

Yes, well, hmm…..I play volleyball every now and then, but not very well.

3. Favorite shoe brand?

Prepare yourself for a shock- I don’t have a favorite shoe brand, and I’m a girl.  *Gasp* I know… 😛

4. Favorite month and why?

I love April.  I love that the weather is getting warmer, and flowers are in bloom and summer is coming! 🙂

5. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate?

I’ll eat all of them with pleasure!

6. If you could speak any other language (in addition to the one you do now), what would it be?

Spanish would be handy, but I’ve always been fascinated by Hebrew or Greek for some inexplicable reason.

7. Most recent movie you’ve seen?

I saw part of “Despicable Me” with some little girls I was hanging out with.

8. Do you have any phobias?

Not really in a debilitating way, but I dislike wasps and spiders.  And feet, a little bit.

9. What is one food that you don’t like and will never, ever like? (If you have any)

Probably mushrooms

10. Favorite genre of music?

I think I like all of them equally.

11. If you could travel back in time, what era/decade/etc would you go to and why?

I would probably stay within the last 200 years, I like having electricity and running water inside the house.

I nominate:

One Sip at a Time

Love and Other Wonders

Teddy’s New Bear

Babies First Years

These are the questions I thought up for you!  Ain’t I nice? 😉

1. If you had to pick one, would you rather be deaf or blind?

2. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

3. M&Ms or Skittles?

4. What inspires you to write?

5. Who is your favorite author?

6. What do you do on a rainy day?

7. If you go live anywhere, where would it be? And why?

8. How often do you wish you could read minds?

9. Do you prefer to be hot or cold?

10. Would you prefer a bad day, but then something really great happens at the end of the day or just a plain old boring day?

11. How do people come up with interesting Liebster award questions?  Am I the only one that finds this challenging???

I look forward to reading my nominees answers, and hope you do too!  Have a lovely day. 🙂

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